AMIGOS dataset access request form

To gain access to the AMIGOS dataset and download the files, please download the corresponding End User License Agreement (EULA) pdf file. The EULA should be printed, signed, scanned, and uploaded as a single .pdf document in the form below. Fill in the following form with your:

Full name First names, Family name
Email address Please use your academic/research institute email (i.e. not your yahoo, googlemail, etc)
Affiliation webpage A webpage where your affiliation/position/email can be verified
Purpose of the study A few sentences about how you intend to use the dataset

Common problems:
1. The EULA is not signed.
2. The EULA is partially uploaded (e.g., only one page), or the two pages are cropped and combined in one.
3. The request is not by a permanent member of staff at an academic/research institute.
4. The request does not contain all the information needed, that is, Name; Link to a webpage where affiliation/position/email can be verified; and very brief description of the purpose for which the data will be used.

Please note that requests are examined in a weekly basis, so please be patient. For other issues or questions about the dataset, you may contact directy Prof. Ioannis Patras ( using as the subject of your email: "DEAP dataset".

Please fill in the form and upload the corresponding signed EULA pdf file. (* required field).

Full Name:*
Website at academic/research institute: *
E-mail at academic/research institute: *
Purpose of study: *
Upload signed EULA pdf file (≤2MB): *

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